WPGA Scholarship Fund
Founded in 1941, nearly 700 students have received a WPGA scholarship.

The 10th hole at Longue Vue Club.
Please consider donating to the the WPGA Scholarship Fund - Here.
Mission: To aid financially employees of Member Clubs with tuition assistance, fund raising with various approaches, student selections, and other program that promote the best interest of the Scholarship Fund.
The Scholarship Fund of the Western Pennsylvania Golf Association was founded in 1941 with the awarding of two scholarships to the University of Pittsburgh and another to Duquesne University. The first Caddie Welfare Committee surfaced in 1927 and addressed issues for the benefit of caddies at the various Member Clubs of the Association. Fourteen years later the movement secured enough money to sponsor its first scholars.
Those responsible for beginning Caddie Scholarships were C.K. Robinson, Chairman of the Committee, William H. Duff, II, Association President, Wallace M. Thompson and Fred Brand, Jr., Association Secretary. Brand was particularly inspired by Charles "Chick" Evans who founded the Evans Scholars Foundation of the Western Golf Association. In the Scholarship Fund's fifty-plus years of service, nearly six-hundred scholars have attended colleges or universities with the assistance of a WPGA Scholarship. Many WPGA Scholarship Fund alumni have distinguished themselves in a variety of careers.
The WPGA Scholarship Fun's purpose has always been to assist worthy and qualified students employed by WPGA Member Clubs. The fund originally was available to caddies only, but now club employees in all departments--course maintenance, club house and golf shop - are eligible. The fund qualifies in the IRS code as a 501-c3 charitable trust; all donations are tax deductible.
In 2005, the WPGA Scholarship Fund reached an agreement with the Evans Scholars where a student who has been accepted by both organizations can receive a joint scholarship. There will be at most one student at any time receiving the joint WPGA/Evans scholarship.
The Scholarship Fund is an equal opportunity program that does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion or ethnicity. In the selection of students, the Scholarship Committee concentrates on four key issues: academic qualifications, employment (a minimum of two years service at a WPGA Member Club), extra-curricular/community activities and financial need. The annual award is renewable up to four years provided the student maintains a 2.80 grade index or its equivalent.
The WPGA Scholarship Fund accomplishes two objectives each time a student graduates. We provided help for deserving students for whom scholarships make a financial difference and we have provided opportunities for young people to contribute to society. If the WPGA Scholarship Fund is to expand the current program we must develop additional revenue sources as similar programs have done around the country. We rely on donations from area corporations, the Western Pennsylvania Golf Association and its Member Clubs and alumni and friends of the program. We cannot grow the WPGA Scholarship Fund without the overall participation of the golf community, and we seek your help. With additional funds we can to two things - grant larger scholarships to the students whose need exceeds our grants and provide more scholarships. We want to do both.
Please consider a donation so we can continue to promote education, assist worthy club employees who make the days at our clubs and courses more enjoyable and provide incentives though scholarships for employees in the future.