
The 10th hole at the Pittsburgh Field Club.
The Western Pennsylvania Golf Association ensures the integrity of each Handicap Index® it issues to association members through its Member Clubs. The Handicap Program includes course rating services, handicap education and administration, and computation exclusively through the GHIN Service®, a service of the United States Golf Association®, our handicap computation service of choice. The Association works with club Handicap Committees and golf shop staffs to ensure the accuracy of posting and compliance to the Rules of Handicapping.
For more information on the World Handicap System and the Rules of Handicapping, please visit the WPGA WHS Hub.
The Handicap Committee's mission is to administer the Rules of Handicapping and to provide education and guidance in its implementation; to provide training and support on the use of the Association's handicap computation service and to provide computer hardware in its operation; and to perform course rating services in compliance with the USGA Course Rating System™.
The handicapping structure of the WPGA consists of its Member Clubs, Handicap Committee, office staff and their collective relationship with the USGA®.
The WPGA administers the Rules of Handicapping throughout our jurisdiction. The WPGA is here to assist our Member Clubs on the Club Compliance Checklist.
Other WPGA Handicap Committee responsibilities includes education and administration of the Club Authorization Program, communications, the WPGA Hardware Program, and assistance with reviewing and developing publications.